Review Integration Mappings

You will receive a link via email to open up either your Code List Mappings or the Question Set Mappings.

Below is what your Code List Mappings should look like.

It is organised by the journey name, if you have multiple schemes with us you can select which one is relevant. Within the journey name for example ‘Residential and Commercial’ you will see several ‘insurer code lists’.

If there is anything that you are not happy with, there is an Insurer Feedback button that you can click on. This will open up a ‘Code List Mapping Review Comment’ form that allows you to give us some feedback.

This form gives details on the journey, the code list section and the value in the code list that you are looking at. The values shown here are the values that have originally been mapped. 

If you believe that one of the values are incorrect you have the ability to make a change, first by selecting the checkbox under the label ‘Change Value’.

This will allow you to either use the value that was pre-mapped or add a new value from a pre-defined list.

In order to help you do this, a link has been provided. If you click on this link (opens in a new tab), you will be presented with all the code lists and values. You can filter this list by clicking filter and sorting how you wish.

When you find a relevant value, you can click on it and copy the text from the ‘Value’ field.

Now, by going back to the ‘Code List Mapping Review Comment’ form you can paste this text into the ‘New Value’ field.

Please note: you can add other additional information below should you wish to.

Once you are happy with your changes, please press the Submit Button. Your request is now sent to us to review and fix the problem.

It is a very similar process for the Question Set Mapping. When you click on the link provided to you, you will see a very similar view.

This form is organised by the journey and then by the page. There is more information provided in this view, for example what type of fields there are and whether these are mandatory. What the business rules are, how it is validated, how it has been mapped and so on. 

As before, in order to make/suggest a change you click on the Insurer Feedback button.

This will open up a ‘Question Mapping Review Comment’ form that allows you to make several changes. Once complete, you press the Submit Button and your new requests are then sent to us to review and implement.

Please note: If you want to look at the values in more detail you are able to expand the fields to see it more easily. You can still click on the Insurer Feedback button from the expanded view. At the top of the page there are several tool function icons, such as filter, grouping, sort, and row height. You can also use the search function (top-right) to refine your search.